Cuba, the key of the Gulf

Cuba in Caribbean Sea

Cuba is the most extensive Island in the Caribbean Sea. It is 775 miles long, with an entire area of 4287 square miles. The most next territories are: The Florida (90 miles from Key West to the Havana), The Bahamas, Mexico, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.

The population belongs to a little more than 11 million people, of whom, more than 2 millions live in Havana. The official language in Cuba is Spanish. The education, the public health, the biotechnology, the tourism, the culture and the sport, there are the greatness of the country. Nevertheless, Cuba is a society mainly agrarian, whose main products are: sugar, fruits, citrus fruits and, of course, the tobacco.

The climate is subtropical with an annual average temperature of 77°F (25°C). The moisture average is 77% between November and May, and out of this period it increases up to 82%. Nevertheless, the climate tends to be much stabler than in other Caribbean destinations.

The Cuban is, particularly, friendly persons, which like to be offered hospitable, showing its capacity of communication fundamentally English by means of several languages.


It includes a 110 992 km² surface and it is located in the most western part of the insular Caribbean Sea, at the entry of the Gulf of Mexico. It is shaped by more than 4 000 keys and small islands, standing out the special municipality Isla de la Juventud, with 2200 km² of surface. The Island of Cuba, the biggest, known also like The Key of the Gulf, thinks between the biggest of the world.

About 300 natural beaches of white, thin sand and transparent waters privilege it. The most well-known is a Dry dock, nevertheless, to the east of the capital, in the keys of the north - blind person of Avila and Clear Town - as well as in Holguín and in Long Key of the South, similar others exist.

Three mountainous groups, two long regions of savannas, numerous vales known internationally like viñales, Yumurí and the Ingenuities, cover the Island in its extension. In beautiful rivers like the Hanabanilla the lovers of the nature love jumps and cascades.


The insularity of the territory and its place below the Tropic of Cancer they favor the existence of an agreeable moderate subtropical climate, with predominance of warm temperatures. As 330 days of the sun exist average a year. Two stations differ: that of rain (May to October) and that of dry season (November to April). The average temperature of 25,5°C (77 °F) and that of the coastal waters is of 25°C.

Time zone

Cuba is ruled by the meridian of Greenwich. From May until October the Daylight saving time is adopted in order to make use to the maximum of the solar light, going forward 1 hour the clocks.

Historical critique

The Cuban aboriginals were living in conditions of primitive community, when Cristóbal Columbus came to Bariay, in the current Holguín province, on the north coast of the Cuban east, on October 27, 1492, in the initial trip to what then was called him the New World.

Anticipated Diego Velázquez, who directed the later conquest of the country, founded the first seven towns, at the beginning of the XVIth century.

Then they were born: Baracoa - the given priority city of Cuba - Salvador de Bayamo, Santiago de Cuba, the Holiest Trinidad, Sancti-Spíritus, Santa Maria of the Port of the Prince (Camagüey) and St Kitts of Havana.

The aboriginal population was extinguished virtually during the conquest and colonization. It continued then a diet esclavista that African population introduced to realize the strongest works and in subhuman conditions. The colonization, it spread for more than four centuries and ended with the military occupation of the country for the United States in 1898, which extended until 1902, when the Republic was restored neocolonial. On the first of January, 1959, the Revolution triumphs and Cuba obtains its real and definitive independence.

Historical dates

  • On October 27, 1492: Discovery of Cuba for Cristóbal Columbus.
  • On November 16, 1519: Foundation of St Kitts of Havana in its current location. This is the last one of seven Towns established by the Spanish.
  • On August 12, 1762: Capture of Havana by the Englishmen.
  • On January 28, 1853: birthday of our National Hero José Martí.
  • On October 10, 1868: Beginning of the wars of independence.
  • On March 15, 1878: He protests about Baraguá.
  • 1880: Formal abolition of the slavery, becomes effective six years later.
  • On April 10, 1892: Foundation of the Cuban Revolutionary Party.
  • On February 24, 1895: Beginning of the last one of the wars of independence.
  • On May 19, 1895: José Martí dies in combat.
  • On December 7, 1896: Antonio Maceo dies in combat.
  • 1898: North American intervention.
  • On May 20, 1902: The government of USA, it establishes a republic neocolonial related to its interests.
  • 1925: Foundation of the first Communist Party of Cuba.
  • On July 26, 1953: I assault to the Barracks Moncada for young revolutionaries directed by Fidel Castro.
  • On December 2, 1956: Landing of the yacht Granma.
  • On the 1st of January, 1959: I triumph over the Revolution.
  • On April 19, 1961: Mercenary - imperialist defeats in Beach Girón of the invasion.
  • On December 22, 1961: One declares Free Cuba of Illiteracy.


  • 1st. of January: Day of the Liberation. Anniversary of the Victory of the Revolution.
  • 1st. of May: International day of the Workpeople.
  • On July 25, 26 and 27: Celebrations for the Day of the National Rebelliousness.
  • On October 10: Beginning of the Wars of Independence.
  • On December 25: Christmas Day.


  • 1st. of January: Day of the Liberation. Anniversary of the Victory of the Revolution.
  • 1st. of May: International day of the Workpeople.
  • On July 26: Celebrations for the Day of the National Rebelliousness.
  • On July 30: Day of the Martyrs of the Revolution.
  • On October 10: Beginning of the Wars of Independence.
  • On December 7: Day of the fallens for the Defense.

How are we the Cuban?

The cubanía. It turns out to be very difficult to say in few lines what the cubanía is. To big features it can be adduced that it is the result of the miscellany of ethnic groups and diverse cultures that ended up generating an entity and a culture different from those who gave birth to to him. That's why, more that to speak of cubanía is preferable to speak on the Cuban.

The Cuban is as it is: happy, witty, nice, amusing, in love, hospitable, generous, lover of his and loose and disinterested, nevertheless; mocking, hyperbolic and enormous. Enthusiast, there does not exist for him problem that could not be solved. But especially the Cuban is a noble and worth patriot.